Coffee Stories featuring Nikol Werner of Copper Door Coffee Roasters

Posted on March 01 2017, By: Joe Murray

Our roaster Nikol is great. If you haven't stopped in the shop and met her, you're missing out. Her story highlights how passion for a hobby can turn into an absolutely wonderful career. Nikol's been with Copper Door for just over a year now. Check out her coffee journey!

"My coffee journey started in Seattle as a barista at Starbucks. From training there at head quarters, I transferred back to Colorado and stayed with the company for 8 years.

I went through their 'coffee master program,'which involves extensive tasting and pairing courses to achieve that black apron. (It's just as honorable as a black belt in karate). In taking these courses I found a deeper passion for the product in tasting and pairing.

Tasting and pairing weren't quite enough to satisfy me, so I began home roasting as a hobby. My hobby soon turned into a search for the perfect flavor, and thus my passion for roasting was born. Not long after starting to roast at home, I knew roasting was my calling in the coffee community.

I've been roasting professionally for a year now at Copper Door and am very grateful for the small batch roasting opportunity that I have here to perfect my craft with the shop. I'm excited to celebrate 10 years in the coffee industry!"

If you enjoyed Nikol's story, stay tuned for more to come throughout March!